In this gallery you will find photos from a vacation in Alaska 2004 (Anchorage). With your mousepointer over a thumbnail you will get more information. Please click the thumbnail to open the picture in a new window. All images have a size of 950x650 pixel or 90-200KB. Enjoy your holidays!

Moments in Alaska

In this gallery I have collected all the images which didn't belong anywhere else for reason of location or theme. Nevertheless some of my favorite motivs from the whole vacation can be found in this gallery. Enjoy.

1. McCarthy Road
Along the (non-paved) road to McCarthy there are lots of nice lakes with opportunities to take nice pictures :-)

2. Kennicott
Impression from Kennicott Glacier. More images from Kennicott can be found in Panoramic gallery 1

3. Drum
Mount Drum in the Wrangell Mountains, photographed from Chitina

4. Icepeak
Impression from Worthington Glacier

5. Bride
Bridevail Falls, a few miles north of Valdez

6. Light
Byron Glacier shot against extremely bright light

7. Dream in Snow
Byron Glacier again, this time with the sun in the back

8.-10. McKinley (Denali)
Three images from The Big One, taken from different locations an different days

11.-13. Tangle Lake
The pictures were taken at the Tangle Lakes (Denali Highway)

14.-17. Denali
First it didn't look like a good day for photography. Because of the heat and dust in the air we couldn't view that far. But I like the result of the images.

Alaska - Anchorage - Animals - Birds - Chugach - Flowers - Katmai - Kenai - McKinley - Wrangell/St. Elias - Panoramic 1 - Panoramic 2 - Alaska